A day in the life of an investment banking analyst

Employee: Sean

Industry team:
Diversified Industrials & Services

Minneapolis, MN

Boston College

8:45    Arrive at work and catch up on and reply to any urgent emails

9:00    Browse headlines for any major transactions and send related articles around to industry team

9:30    Grab a coffee with other analysts


10:00    Draft Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) for sell-side M&A assignment for an IT services company, which involves:

  • Searching company-provided materials for information relevant to potential investors
  • Working with the CFO to request, organize and synthesize documents to be used to create charts, diagrams and other content
  • Conducting industry research on historical and projected size of market, major competition, industry trends and consumer demographics

12:00    Participate in financial diligence call for co-managed IPO, taking notes to be distributed to the broader Piper Sandler deal team

12:30    Participate in CIM drafting call with the company, reviewing key growth initiatives

1:30    Pick up lunch with other analysts

2:00    Continue to work on a pitch for the potential sell-side of a food distributor, which involves:

  • Presenting Piper Sandler’s qualifications, experience and prior transactions within the industry
  • Preparing company valuation with discounted cash flow, leveraged buyout analysis, public comparables analysis and M&A comparables analysis
  • Creating buyer profiles for potential strategic and financial buyers
  • Sending draft of pitch to the presentation center for development

3:30    Review pitch with associate, turn comments and send out to the deal team for final signoff

4:00    Grab a coffee with other analysts

4:15    Continue creating new slides for a management presentation for the sell-side M&A assignment of a live events and entertainment company, send revised draft to client

6:00    Receive final comments, finalize and print pitch

6:45    Order dinner with other analysts

7:30    Organize diligence files from company and upload to data room

8:30    Check ESPN for sports scores or watch overtime game

9:00    Incorporate comments and changes from CIM drafting session

11:00    Distribute revised version of CIM and set up next drafting call

11:05    Head home