Shareholder Information
Piper Sandler Stock
Where are your shares traded?
Piper Sandler Companies common stock is listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
What is the ticker symbol?
The Piper Sandler Companies common stock ticker symbol is PIPR.
What is the Piper Sandler Companies CUSIP number for common stock?
724078 10 0
Does Piper Sandler Companies issue dividends?
Yes. Piper Sandler Companies began issuing dividends in early 2017. Our board of directors reserves the right to change our dividend policy at any time.
What is the current dividend rate?
Our current dividend policy is to return 30% to 50% of fiscal year adjusted net income to shareholders through the payment of regular quarterly and special cash dividends, subject to prior approval by our board of directors. View dividend history
Transfer Agent
Who is the transfer agent?
Broadridge acts as transfer agent and registrar for Piper Sandler Companies and maintains all shareholder records for the company.
Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions
P.O. Box 1342, Brentwood, NY 11717
+1 (800) 872-4409
How can I change my address on my account?
Please call our transfer agent, Broadridge, at +1 (800) 872-4409.
How can I find out how many shares of Piper Sandler Companies stock I own?
Please contact our transfer agent:
Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions
P.O. Box 1342, Brentwood, NY 11717
+1 (800) 872-4409
Alternatively, if you hold shares at a bank or brokerage, contact that firm.
Who should I contact regarding my stock certificate(s)?
Please call our transfer agent, Broadridge, at +1 (800) 872-4409.
Financial Information
How can I obtain a copy of the Annual Report or other SEC documents such as a prospectus, 10-K or 10-Q?
You can obtain these and other Piper Sandler Companies investor materials in the Financial Reports & Presentations section of the Investor Relations site, or you can contact our Investor Relations Department. SEC filings are also accessible through the SEC’s Edgar database.
When does the company's fiscal quarters and year end?
Piper Sandler Companies fiscal quarters and year follow the calendar quarters and year. The first quarter ends on March 31; the second quarter ends on June 30; the third quarter ends on September 30; and the fourth quarter and fiscal year ends on December 31.
Who are the independent auditors for Piper Sandler Companies?
Ernst & Young LLP.
Contact Information
How can I contact someone in Investor Relations?
Contact Piper Sandler Investor Relations via email.
Spin-off From U.S. Bancorp
When did Piper Sandler Companies (formerly Piper Jaffray Companies) spin off from U.S. Bancorp?
Piper Sandler Companies (NYSE: PIPR) (formerly Piper Jaffray Companies (NYSE: PJC)) became a stand-alone public company on December 31, 2003.
How many shares of Piper Sandler Companies (formerly Piper Jaffray Companies) common stock should I have received?
As part of the spin-off, U.S. Bancorp distributed one share of Piper Sandler Companies (formerly Piper Jaffray Companies) common stock for every 100 shares of U.S. Bancorp common stock.
How do I calculate the tax basis for my U.S. Bancorp and Piper Sandler (formerly Piper Jaffray) shares as a result of the spin-off?
See the sample Piper Sandler cost basis allocation.